Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Going Back Home".

Think the Nina Simone song because thats what I listened to before I got here...

I'm back at ye olde lakehouse for a bit. I spent the day with my family including my new baby sister Georgiana Rose, my Nan, and my Auntie Beverly & Uncle Frank who are visiting from England. I haven't seen them since I was climbing trees. Not to say that I've kicked the tree climbing habit completely its just a lot less frequent is all. We chatted about life and music over frosty pints, boating, and fishing. I told my dad that the fish were playing j.t.t. with us because they kept nibbling off our worms and swimming off. Then I had to explain what j.t.t. meant (just the tip). Also it turns out my Uncle Frank has seen John Lee Hooker live (can you say jealous?) the two seem very in tune with music its quite lovely. And nan cracks me up because I feel like she is thinking the same sinister-esk thoughts sometimes which results in eye contact and giggles. I'll have to pay them a visit now, I think. The evening ended with fire dancing goblins(my lovely sibs) sparklers and smores.

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